Hiking Tours in the Alps in July

Hiking Tours in the Alps in July


Where to hike in July


Freedom of Summer Hikes in the Amazing Alpine Environment If you decide hiking in the Alps in July you’ll have great time!

Almost all the mountain passes are snow free and you will be able to connect trails from valley to valley exploring high altitudes hiking in the Italian Alps.

July is a great month for hiking also because it is not as crowded as August but you have all the hut open for you. So the amount of trails that you can do are limitless. Also July is usually pretty warm everywhere else.

So if there is a nice place to be while you are in Europe or in Italy in July is between 2000 and 3000 meters enjoying spring again. Flowers up in the mountains are exploding and you’ll have a perfect glimpse of how cool it is to hike in the alps.

One of the favourite month of Trekking Alps. Also it is pretty high season so it is not difficult also for solo hikers to join a Planned Hike and save money.

July is also perfect for berries: free vitamins for most of the Alps hiking routes all the way up!

在令人惊叹的高山环境中自由享受夏季的远足 如果您决定七月在阿尔卑斯山远足,那将会是一段美好的时光!

因为几乎所有的山口都是无雪的,这意味着您将可以感受那些连接不同山谷的小径,探索意 大利阿尔卑斯山的高海拔地区。

七月是远足的绝佳月份,因为它不像八月那样拥挤,但所有山间小屋也已开放。因此,您可 以选择的徒步计划种类繁多。同样的,在七月其他地方也会十分炎热,这里是完美的避暑之地。因此,如果您希望在欧洲或意大利旅游时有一个绝妙的去处,那么就来这里吧。让您的 7 月 于 2000 到 3000 米的海拔之间,再次享受春天。山上的花朵正在繁盛绽放,您可以完全感受 到在阿尔卑斯山徒步旅行有多酷。

这是徒步阿尔卑斯山最青睐的月份之一。而且这是一个相当热门的季节,因此哪怕是单身徒 步旅行者也可以加入我们的经济实惠的远足计划。

七月也是浆果生长最繁盛的季节,阿尔卑斯山大部分的远足路线都有着各类浆果:免费为徒 步者提供维生素!