Hiking Tours in the Alps in October

Hiking Tours in the Alps in October




Hiking in October it is unique. If you are lucky and you come hiking in the Italian Alps during the foliage you will pick the mountains in its best and more picturesque period of all year.

The Larches became yellow and the cherry trees and the maple leafs become red. It is just spectacular to do trekking in the wonderful landscape which looks like a fairy tales. It is not easy to come in the right time and it is not always the same.

The first week of October is also perfect to spot Deer which are in their mating season. As it is in between season the type of trek you will be able to do it depends on the season.

Sometimes you can’t go above 2500 meters, some other time you still have a summer like mountain conditions.

The only possibility you have, is just to come hiking the Alps in October and experience it! You will not regret it.

在十月远足是独一无二的。如果幸运的话,您将会在枝叶繁茂的意大利阿尔卑斯山中徒步旅 行,同时您将在全年最风景如画的日子里漫步于此处。

落叶松变成黄色,樱桃树和枫叶变成红色,黄红相间,在美丽如童话般的风景中徒步旅行, 所到之处皆是美景,所见之处皆是壮观。选择一个完美的时间来徒步并不容易,因为这里的 美景时时并不相同。

十月的第一周也是可以见到红鹿交配季节的完美时间。 由于正是夏秋之交,因此,您将能 够选择的徒步计划种类取决于当时季节与气温的变化:有时您的登山海拔不能超过 2500 米,而有时,您仍然可以体验到如同夏天的条件一般的阿尔卑斯山。
